How to Repair Your Roof in the Winter

With winter coming, it’s time to get your roof ready for the cold. If you do not take care of your centennial roofing in the winter months, there is a higher chance that you will have a leaky roof and water damage when spring arrives. This blog post will go over how to maintain your roof so that you can avoid costly repairs next year!

Fix Any and All Leaks

The first thing you want to do is check your roof for any leaks. If there are leaks, they need to be fixed immediately so that the water does not get in and cause additional damage.

If Your Roof Is Cracked or Damaged

Roofs can become damaged due to a variety of reasons such as heavy snowfall during winter, tree limbs falling on top of the roof, or just simple wear and tear. If your roof is damaged you want to fix it as soon as possible so that water can’t get in through these holes.

To find out if there are any leaks on the part of your roof where the shingles have been removed, go under this section of roof with a flashlight. If you see any wet areas, this means that water is getting through the shingles and into your home.

If you have multiple leaks or just one large leak, it’s important to fix them all at once rather than doing section by section since fixing one area doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be more up ahead.

If your roof is cracked or damaged, call a professional to come out and look at it for you. While you might be tempted to try and fix the problem yourself in order to save money, doing this could end up costing you more from not only paying someone else’s labor fees but also having them fix mistakes that were made while trying to fix the roof yourself.

Wrap Your Chimney with Pipe Wrap or Home Repair Tape

The next thing you want to do is wrap your chimney pipe with either a heat tape or wrapping it in foam insulation and then covering that up with aluminum foil. The reason for this is because during winter, ice can form on top of the chimney and when it melts, water can pour in through the cracks. By wrapping this with either a heat tape or foam insulation you are creating an extra barrier between your chimney pipe and any ice that might form on top of it during winter which will prevent leaks from happening.

TSV Construction & Roofing