Fully-equipped conference rooms are essential to the success of businesses of any size. These spaces serve as venues for client meetings, team collaboration, brainstorming sessions and many other vital business activities.

Locations should be comfortable, well-lit and offer a sense of professionalism; in addition to accommodating both in-person and remote attendees.

Audio and visual equipment

Be it monthly reviews, data presentations or meetings with managers – your fully equipped conference rooms Adelaide must provide all your requirements. Equipment should be easy for employees to use and compatible with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). In order for remote conversations to work as intended, most employees require wired internet connectivity in the conference room setup so all devices connected via wireless can communicate efficiently with one another.

Projectors, TVs and video walls are essential in conference rooms, providing presentations and videos during meetings. Their sizes range from single displays to dual and even larger displays; conference rooms with video conferencing systems also often come equipped with cameras that aim directly towards speakers.

Audio visual equipment in your conference room is essential for improving efficiency of meetings and employee collaboration. According to research from Bain & Company, 15% of meeting time can be wasted due to technology failures – this is particularly relevant when taking place in an open office with noise disturbances present. To maximise efficiency during meetings it can also help if there are various seating arrangements so you can easily switch between options depending on what task at hand needs doing.

Seating arrangements

An ideal seating arrangement can make or break a conference room. Use large, sturdy conference tables and comfortable chairs with armrests if possible; since conference rooms are used primarily for meetings with clients and executives, bean bags or any other forms of lounge furniture should be avoided as much as possible.

Theatre style layouts are ideal for events where the focus lies in one area such as on a stage or central screen, providing maximum seating capacity while giving everyone an uninterrupted view of the presentation from one perspective. Unfortunately, they’re less suitable for interactive training sessions or workshops where participants might need to twist or turn to interact with speakers or visual aids and become uncomfortable as time progresses.

Classroom-style fully equipped conference rooms Adelaide are best used for instructive or lecture-based training sessions or workshops where the focus lies with learning directly from trainers or speakers. Small group discussions and collaboration are also possible within these settings, though interactive brainstorming or hackathon sessions require participants to move about freely throughout the room to engage each other and discuss ideas.

An ideal conference room will feature reconfigurable tables and ample power outlets to support multiple meeting formats, along with soundproofing and an in-room sound system to reduce noise levels and enhance team focus during meetings.


No matter if your conference rooms are used for video conferences, films, academic discussions training meetings or any other purpose, proper lighting is absolutely crucial to creating the optimal atmosphere in meetings. Poor lighting can cause eye strain and headaches during meetings which reduce productivity and focus. One way of making sure you have adequate illumination in your conference room is through smart controls that can adjust light settings according to each scenario in which it will be used.

These controls feature motion and occupancy sensors to turn off lights when no one is present, as well as colour temperature controls to create a more relaxing ambience. By customising lighting according to your meeting’s needs – from informal brainstorming sessions to formal presentations – smart lighting helps save energy by automatically adjusting according to natural daylight levels.

Fully equipped conference rooms Adelaide must be outfitted with various technologies that make them suitable for meetings with clients, including high-definition videoconferencing equipment. This system enables you to meet with clients located across the country or globe; collaborate and share ideas with employees; as well as present your company’s vision and strategy to potential investors or clients. Furthermore, fully equipped conference rooms should feature large screens or interactive whiteboards so key information and visuals can be displayed during a meeting.