Your boiler is a god-send during the cold winter, keeping you cosy and warm and your family safe.

To make sure that to always operates effectively it is essential and the key to this is spotting the key signs that maintenance or servicing is required.

This allows you to take the appropriate steps to deal with issues before they escalate into a break down or a fatal error that leave you needing a completely new boiler.

On average you should be having your boiler serviced once every 12 months as a matter of routine and this may well be something that is required as part of your boiler warranty or insurance plan.

That said, not everyone has kept up this schedule since they first bought their boiler. This does NOT mean that it is never worth servicing your boiler again. If you spot any of the following signs you should arrange a boiler service.

boiler install

A drop in energy efficiency

A drop in performance, particularly energy efficiency is a sure sign that you need to have your boiler services. If this does happen, we’re sure it won’t take you long to notice as your energy bills will rise and it will take longer to get your home to a comfortable temperature.

There are numerous things that could be causing a drop in efficiency in your boiler, from blocked or clogged components to low water pressure.

It is not a good idea to try and self-diagnose these issues as only a qualified gas-safe engineer should ever perform maintenance on a gas boiler.

Strange noises

Boilers are never silent when operating, albeit you probably won’t notice the sounds coming from a brand-new combi boiler.

However, if you start to notice unusually loud bangs or clanking coming from your boiler there may well be an underlying issue that needs to be resolved.

Limescale build-up is a common reason why a boiler could begin to make strange noise, alongside excess air in the system or components that have worn down over time.

Shutting off your ears and hoping that these noises simply go away probably isn’t a strategy that will end well for you and you are much better off simply arranging a service with CHS boilers and having your issues permanently resolved.

Flame colour changes

The Flame within a gas boiler should be blue, NOT orange or yellow. A blue flame is a sign that the boiler is burning gas efficiently where as an orange or yellow flame indicates a problem with the combustion that can cause serious safety concerns if left unresolved.

If you see any changes in the pilot light of your boiler, contact a professional boiler servicing company immediately and arrange an appointment.

Weird smells

Gas from a boiler does not smell in itself, but an odour is added to it so that property owners are more likely to notice a leak. A smell of gas is a very serious thing and you should immediately turn off your boiler and call an emergency gas safe engineer.