How much of your time is spent on the internet? If you’re like most people, you’re probably online more than you sleep. Many of our daily tasks now require being online, and even entertainment is also online. This means you see online movements that call for societal change, especially in the way we treat the environment.

But how can you do your part in enacting positive change? Here’s what to do:


How to Start Societal Change Young

The great thing about humanity is we are interconnected. This means there are people you can influence to do one thing or make one change. You can encourage your immediate family to recycle or upcycle, or to buy less food that will lead to food waste. If you can educate them to be more mindful of their wastes, you’re already doing a great job.

Be an example

Of course, it’s not enough that you’re only educating your immediate family. You also want to be an example. If you show them that it’s easy to make the eco-conscious change, and that you are enjoying helping the planet, they will also be encouraged to do the same. For those aiming to have carbon neutral schools, being an example is even more important. You want to show everyone that it is possible to get a school that is not wasteful.

Think big

Go beyond your immediate family. Involve your community, school, and workplace. They can all make impactful contributions to the betterment of the environment if you would just show them how. Sometimes, it takes just one more push for them to make the eco-conscious change.

As an advocate for the planet, it can be challenging to get everyone to listen. But the key is to show them that caring for the planet benefits them and their future offsprings, and that it does not require uprooting the lifestyles they lead.