Being healthy is often only attributed to an individual’s overall physical well-being. But, most people are unaware that many individuals suffer from mental health problems as debilitating as some of the worst physical ailments.

Seeking professional help from experienced counsellors and therapists is a significant first step towards feeling better. However, support never comes for some because they fail to recognize and acknowledge the symptoms or lack access.

This article will dive deep into how common mental health problems are, the consequences of lack of mental health treatment, and where you can turn to for help.

How Common Are Mental Health Problems?

According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, approximately one in five Americans experience mental health problems in a year. Different factors may cause poor mental health, including childhood trauma, discrimination, social disadvantage, and other stressful events.

Mental health illnesses can also interfere with or limit one’s ability to function daily. In fact, 4% of American adults with serious mental health issues struggle with completing day-to-day tasks.

The Consequences of Lack of Mental Health Treatment

  • Increased Risk of Deterioration

Some mental illnesses quickly deteriorate, with symptoms starting from sadness and apathy to a point where you can no longer care for yourself. Keeping your poor mental state to yourself worsens things and creates more problems. Remember that the sooner you get help, the easier it is to get better. 

  • Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is often associated with anxiety and depression. Chronic stress alters an individual’s stress hormones found within the brain and nervous system, affecting mood, thinking, and behavior. 

Chronic pain can disrupt your everyday life because it causes sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased appetite, and difficulty concentrating. 

  • Potential Problems With Relationships

Mental health problems can significantly impact relationships because people with poor mental health may find it hard to meet demands, listen to and respond to other people’s problems, and provide affection to others.

Furthermore, individuals who keep their mental health problems to themselves are often misunderstood by their family, friends, and colleagues as they are unaware of their mental condition.

  • Furthered Stigma

Many individuals suffering from mental health problems are discouraged from seeking help because of the stigma against mental illnesses. Unfortunately, this only perpetuates the cycle of negative associations. 

Defy the stigma by seeking mental health care support counselling in Hong Kong and do what is best for your mental health. Fighting back against the symptoms and working with reliable counsellors will ultimately change your overall well-being.

  • Suicide

Suicide is not a mental disorder but can be caused by psychiatric diseases like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Untreated mental health illnesses can make individuals believe that there is no way out of it.

Talking to someone you can trust and who can medically help you makes you realize that there are many coping mechanisms and treatments you can undergo to change your outlook in life.

Final Thoughts

Like most medical conditions, early diagnosis of mental health problems leads to better outcomes. Getting the help you need allows you to prevent underlying symptoms from getting worse, and mental health professionals can provide you with the necessary treatment.

Admitting to needing help is not easy, but reaching out to the right people can give you the empowerment and support to improve and ultimately live a happier life.